OCTATCO Solution

Secure remote work authentication


Due to Covid-19, David (fictitious), the head of security at a chemical manufacturer, was forced to use VPNs to allow employees working from home to access the enterprise systems. VPNs are usually considered safe but they are still providing opportunities for hackers to break into companies' internal networks because they use traditional ID/PW authentication methods.

David knew that VPN-related hacking risks were increasing as more employees were working remotely. The company's VPN password policy was overly complex (special characters, upper and lower-case letters) which made it difficult to remember, forcing employees to write down their passwords on smartphone notes or post-its. It was a security risk so OTPs were introduced but the company had no way to verify if remote workers were sharing their OTPs and letting unauthorized users access the internal system.


To improve remote work security, David had to find a solution that will replace easily shared and vulnerable knowledge-based authentication and help accurately authenticate users.

While looking for ways to solve his password issue, David found out about OCTATCO and our passwordless solution adapted to remote work situations. Ezy (fictitious), our customer support representative, introduced EzAuth, our MFA solution allowing to manage two-factor authentication to access the VPN. Using a second factor to access the VPN eliminates the risk of only using vulnerable ID/PW authentication. Our solution provides enhanced authentication security through accurate user verification but SDN and SDP authentication is also possible.

95% Password problem reduction
Increased work efficiency
Increased security through biometric recognition
One-day deployment

The introduction of EzAuth to solve the VPN security issues allowed the company to reduce the current password problem by more than 95% by using biometric authentication, a user-specific feature. It provides easy and diverse authentication methods such as smartphone biometrics, PC-embedded fingerprints, and fingerprint security keys, resulting in a 20% increase in enterprise system access rate using smartphone. More than setting best practices, passwordless and biometric authentication also provide security advantages by complying with authentication regulations regarding ISMS-P access.

David was able to quickly integrate various work systems into our integrated MFA solution in just a few hours, reducing the average deployment period by more than 90% while dramatically improving remote work security and fulfilling global authentication standards.

OCTATCO secure remote work authentication solution customers
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User case - Prudential Life Insurance

Prudential Life Insurance saves about 14,000 hours annually in work productivity thanks to EzAuth. Our solution delivers the world's most convenient, secure, and affordable integrated authentication, improving user satisfaction.

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User case - Daejeon Waterworks Authority

We helped them establish the world's first quantum-encrypted biometric authentication and communication infrastructure. Our integrated authentication solution delivers convenience and security seamlessly.

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Have a look at Octaco's integrated authentication solution!

Address: 718ho, 54, Changeop-ro, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13449 Republic of Korea
Phone: +82-31-8039-7400

Sales and partnership : sales@octatco.com
Technical support : info@octatco.com